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Academia International Conference on Economic and Financial Cooperation: Hong Kong and the World under the Belt and Road Initiative

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Organiser : Central Policy Unit, The Government of the HKSAR
Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Venue : The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Date : 15 December 2016 (Thursday)
16 December 2016 (Friday)
Time : 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

15 December 2016 (Thursday)
Time Program
08:30–09:00 Registration

Welcome Messages
Prof. Fanny M. Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prof. K.C. Chan, Acting Financial Secretary, The Government of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region


Group photo (for invited guests)


Plenary Session: Keynote Speeches
Moderator: Prof. Fanny M. Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Next Wave of Globalisation under the Belt and Road Initiative:Opportunities for Innovation
Dr Victor K. Fung, Group Chairman, Fung Group

Keys to the Successful Implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative
Prof. Mingkang Liu, BCT Distinguished Research Fellow, Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global
Economics and Finance, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Belt and Road Initiative as a Grand Strategy
Dr William H. Overholt, Senior Fellow, Harvard University Asia Center

The Belt and Road Initiative: Outbound Investment and Domestic Reforms
Prof. Jianye Wang. Managing Director, Silk Road Fund Co., Ltd.; Professor of Economics, NYU Shanghai


Lunch (for invited guests)


Thematic Discussion
Session 1: Development Strategies and Policies

Moderator: Prof. Stephen W. K. Chiu, Co-Director, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies

Progress on the Belt and Road Initiative: A Three-Year Evaluation
Prof. Wen Wang, Executive Dean, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China, China

Indonesia’s Development Strategies in the Face of a Global Economic Slowdown: The Role of Domestic Demand and International Development Partners
Prof. Ari Kuncoro, Dean, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Indonesia

Sri Lanka-Hong Kong Economic Relationship: Trends and Prospects
Prof. Lakshman Dissanayake, Vice-Chancellor, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka Dr Priyanga Dunusinghe, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

On the Role of Hong Kong in the Construction of a “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” between China and Southeast Asia
Prof. Baoyun Yang, Instructor, ASEAN Studies Program, Pridi Banomyong International College, Thammasat University, Thailand


Networking break


Thematic Discussion
Session 2: International Investment and Finance

Moderator: Prof. Kalok Chan, Dean of CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Recent Global Financial Crisis, Financial Development and Firms’ Performance and Leverage: Evidence from Developed Countries and Emerging Markets
Prof. Rami Zeitun, Head, Department of Finance and Economics, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, Qatar
Prof. Akram Temimi, Associate Professor, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, Qatar
Prof. Karim Mimouni, Associate Professor of Finance, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, Qatar

Finance as Worship: A Survey of Research on Islamic Finance
Dr Mohammed Alzahrani, Dean, College of Industrial Management, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Prof. William L. Megginson, Professor and Price Chair in Finance, Price College of Business, Division of Finance, The University of Oklahoma, USA

Belt and Road Investment Opportunities and the Challenges for Hong Kong
Prof. Youfa Liu, Guest Research Fellow, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, China

Hong Kong as an Equity Financing Centre for the Belt and Road Countries
Prof. Kevin C. K. Lam, Associate Professor, School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Welcoming dinner (for invited guests)

16 December 2016 (Friday)
Time Program

Thematic Discussion
Session 3: Energy Economic
Moderator: Prof. Yuan Xu, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Meeting Energy and Climate Challenges: Opportunities for International Cooperation
Prof. Ambuj Sagar, Vipula and Mahesh Chaturvedi Professor of Policy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India

Innovation and Technology in the Singapore Miracle
Dr Christopher H. Lim, Senior Fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Stimulating Innovation for Sustainability under the Belt and Road Initiative: The Role of Japan in International Cooperation and Collaboration
Prof. Masaru Yarime, Project Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Innovation Governance, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo, Japan

China’s Grand Transition in the International Transfer of Environmentally Sound Energy Technologies under the Belt and Road Initiative
Prof. Zheng Li, Dean and Professor, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, China Mr Tianxiao Li, PhD student, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
Prof. Yuan Xu, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Networking break


Thematic Discussion
Session 4: E-commerce and Information Technology

Moderator: Prof. Chi-yue Chiu, Dean of Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

New Requirements and New Opportunities for Multilingual Information under the Belt and Road Initiative
Prof. Wushour Silam, Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering, Xinjiang University, China

Digital Financial Inclusion towards Inclusive, Equitable, and Sustainable Development: The Bangladesh Case
Prof. Shibli Rubayat Ul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Thailand’s Journey to Digital Transformation
Dr Kasititorn Pooparadai, Senior Director, Policy Research Division, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand
Dr Kasama Kongsmak, Researcher, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand
Dr Sumavasee Salasuk, Researcher, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand

Bridging the Belt and Road Digital Divide: A Comparative Study on the Information Capacities of Partner Economies along the Belt and Road
Prof. Kam-fai Wong, Director, Centre for Innovation and Technology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Lunch (for invited guests)


Thematic Discussion
Session 5: Infrastructure and Facilities

Moderator: Prof. Ying-yi Hong, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Marketing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Connectivity and Market Integration in the Belt and Road Region: Introducing the Central Asian Perspective
Dr Roman Vakulchuk, Country Director for Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, Central Asian Development Institute, Kyrgyzstan

The Belt and Road Initiative and Cambodia’s Infrastructure Connectivity Development: A Cambodian Perspective
Mr Lak Chansok, Lecturer, Department of International Studies, Institute of Foreign Languages, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Dr Chandarith Neak, Director, Cambodia 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Research Center, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Infrastructure Linkage between China and Malaysia: Cases in Malacca and Kuantan
Dr Chow-bing Ngeow, Deputy Director, Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya, Malaysia

A Comparison of Investment Strategies between China and Japan in ASEAN’s Infrastructure Projects
Dr Cheung-kwok Law, Senior Research Fellow, Global China Research Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr Derek Yuen, Lecturer, Master of Social Science in Global Political Economy Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Networking break


Thematic Discussion
Session 6: Logistics and Supply Chains

Moderator: Prof. Waiman Cheung, Director, Asian Institute of Supply Chains and Logistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Huaxia Community: A Free Trade Agreement and a New Architecture for the Global Economic System
Prof. Jiandong Ju, Dean and Professor, School of International Business Administration, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
Mr Zhe Lu, PhD student, University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Lixin Tang, Assistant Professor, School of International Business Adminstration, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
Prof. Xinding Yu, Assistant Professor, University of International Business and Economics, China

Maritime Logistics: Challenges and Opportunities in the Asia-Pacific Region
Mr Jai Acharya, Managing Director, International Shipping Bureau (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Singapore

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: “How Silky Smooth is the Pathway on the Silk Route and Can Sri Lanka Spice Up the Route?”
Mr Diren Hallock, Chairman and Managing Director, DRH Logistics International (Pvt.) Ltd., Sri Lanka

Iran: Jewelry on the Silk Road
Dr Mojtaba Soleimani Sedehi, Chief Executive Officer, Amadgaran Business Chain Management Institute, Iran


Roundtable Discussion and Closing Remarks

Mr SHIU Sin-por
Head, Central Policy Unit, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Prof. Fanny M. Cheung Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Farewell dinner(for invited guests)

For more details on the conference, please visit the webpage.

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