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How to Apply

Applications for PPRFS are accepted throughout the year. Results of each batch of applications will be announced on a quarterly basis in general. This mode of operation will enable PPRFS to address specific issues of the community in a timely manner. It will also allow more flexibility in the launch and completion of research to better address the prevailing needs of the community. Generally speaking, the assessment process of each application received under PPRFS takes around six months, but the duration of which could be subject to change depending on the actual circumstances.

Applications for SPPRFS are invited once a year in general. Applications for 2024-25 should be submitted on or before 5 June 2024. The funding results are expected to be announced in end-2024 or early-2025.

Please refer to Guidance Notes and the Guidelines on Disbursement, Accounting and Monitoring Arrangements for PPRFS and SPPRFS for more details.

Applicants should complete the specified Application Form and submit it to the Secretariat of PPRFS and SPPRFS by email (